Wednesday, August 26, 2009


 i was so moody and stressful today!!!!
nothing to do and just sit in front of my monitor and my note for whole morning.
open up the notes but my face and eye is facing and looking at my monitor.
after that i go and down load some nice song. that is music from Soko la~~~ deng! deng! deng!!! deng!!!!!

Soko is really such a special person who sing a such special song and music.
HER Song really make me laugh out loud and make me smile and laugh today!!!
 Soko (Stephenie Sokolinski) is a French actress and singer.
she was born in Bordeaux in France.
she is born in year 1985.
she had appeared in several French movies and got her start a singer after she asked the director if she could sing on screen. 


  1. hey...u not saying u will stop blogging d ah...exam soon ler....jia you ah

  2. hehehe~~~~ no mood to study also~~
