Monday, November 30, 2009


pi po pi po......
pi po pi po......

 my heart was beating very fast
i cant breath

i was laying on my bed

so random

 i saw the name just in front of me

i was so exited and happy

whole of my body and heart just get heated

when i was know is him

i was so happy

in the same time i sad too


why he was affected my mood very much tho

i happy because i saw his message after an half year

i sad because he treating me like.....

do i annoyed you?

do i irritating you?

if YES i really sorry to you

i felt that i was so dummy and stupid

i know what should i do

thanks to become part of my past in my life

Saturday, November 28, 2009

ReGiNa BrEtt-LeSSOnS

you may not 100% agree with Regina Brett *90 years old, Cleveland, Ohio*

but i still want to share with you with some gems in her list of lessons

LiFe iS nOt fAiR, BuT It'S sTiLL gOOd

wHeN iN DoUBt, jUst tAKe ThE SMaLL NExt StEP

LifE iS tOO ShOrT tO WaSTE TIme tO HaTiNg AnYONe

yOUr JoB WoNt taKE CaRE Of YoU oF yOu WHeN yoU'R SicK. YoUR PaRenTs N FRieNdS wILl.StAY iN tOucH

Pay Off  YouR cREdiT Cards evERy MonTh

 YoU DonT HaVE to Win eVerY aRgUmEnT. aGRee tO DiSAgRee

cRy WiTh SoMeOne. iT'S MoRE HeaLIng ThAn cRyIng AlOnE

It's oK tO gEt aNgrY wItH GOD. hE cAN TakE iT

SaVE 4 Ur RetiReMenT sTarTing wItH Ur 1sT PayChEcK

WhEN iT ComES tO ChoCoLate,ReSiStaNce is FuTiLe 

mAkE PeaCe WitH Ur PaSt So It WonT sCrEw uP Ur PreSeNt

iT's Ok tO lEt Ur ChILdRen sEe U CrY

DoN'T CoMpaRe uR liFe tO OthErs. U HaVe No IdeA WhAT thEiR JoUrneY iS aLL AbOut 

If a ReLaTIonShIp HaS To Be A SeCrEt, u ShOuLdN't bE iN It

EveRyThiNg CaN bE ChaNge In A BlInk oF aN EyE. bUt DonT WorRy: GOD NevEr BliNk 

tAkE a DeEp BrEaTh, It CalMs tHe MinD

gEt rId Of AnYtHiNg ThAt Isn'T UseFul, BeaUTiFuL oR JOyfUl

wHaTevEr DoeSn'T KiLL U  ReAlLy DOes MaKe U StrOnGer

iT'S NeVer ToO LaTe To HAve A HaPpy ChIldHooD. BuT ThE SeCoND One Is uP tO U n NO OnE ElSe

wHeN It CoMes To GOinG AfTEr WhAT U LoVe In LiFe, dOnT TaKe NO FoR An AnsWEr

BuRn ThE CaNdLes, UsE ThE NiCe ShEeTs, WeAr ThE FanCy LinGeRiN. DonT SaVe It 4 SpeCiAl OccAsiOn! ToDaY IS SpEcIaL

OvEr PrePAre, ThEn Go wItH thE FlOw

bE EcCeNTrIc nOw. DoN'T WaIt OlD aGe To WeAR PurPlE

ThE mOSt ImPoRtaNt SeX OrGan Is ThE brAiN

No OnE Is IN ChaRgE oF Ur haPpiNeSs bUt U

fRaMe eVEry sO cALlEd DiSasTeR wITh tHesE wOrD" iN 5 yEaRS WiLl ThIS MatTers?"

aLwaYs ChOosE LifE

4GivE EverYoNe eVerYthInG

what other people think of you is none of your business

tIMe HeAls aLmOst  EvErYthInG. gIVe TiME, TiME

hOwEvEr the Bad n GoOd a sItUaTiOn iS, iT WiLl ChaNgE

dOnT Take YOursElf sO SerIousLy. No OnE ElSe DoEs

BeLIevE In mIraCLes

dOn'T AuDit LiFe. sHOw Up n MaKe The MoSt Of it NoW

Ur cHiLrEn GeT OnLY OnE ChIldHoOd

AlLtHe TrUlY MaTteRs iN THe ENd Is ThAt U LOveD

gEt OutSiDE EveRyDay. mIRaClEs ArE EveRyWheRe

if wE ThReW OuR PrObLeMs iN A PiLE n SaW EvErYOne eLse's, wE'd grAp OurS BacK

EnVy Is A WaSte Of TiMe. U AlReaDy HaVE AlL U NeEd

tHe BesT Is YeT To CoMe

nO MaTtEr HoW U FeEl, GeT Up, DrEes Up n ShOw Up


lIFe IsN'T tIed wIth A bOw, bUt It's StIlL A GIfts

i like the phrases so much...full of meaning 

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

fed up + doleful + agonising

it been bothered me for few days already.

i was so frustrating

they do really drive me crazy

they do make me shed a tub of tears

 really make me felt like wan to kill them sometimes

i HATE them*sibling* sometimes
oh my god!

i was so worried about them

i love them too

how am i suppose to do?

what am i suppose to do?

when it can settle down?

i wish everything will be fine before i leave them

i LOVE you

daddy mummy and grandmama

+++++ lovely sisters and brothers+++++

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Wiiiiiiiish Liiiiiiiiist


Nice right?Ya is kinda simple.

It available for 3 colors... orange, red and white.
perfect match with this wallet!! *.^wink



For me, Burberry is kinda mature with those special design BUT i love it...^_^
i love all the bags here~~~ a lot lot lot  MORE...

                                                                 i love this green Prada tote!!!


nice? Ya! i love one of the Burberry watch in Pavi!!!!!!
It just kind of similar with this design. 


i wish i have all of them ....greedy ne~~

Friday, November 20, 2009

close to me

Edinburgh Napier Uni VS Liverpool John Moore Uni

Edinburgh Napier Uni get Master degree

LJMU get Honor Degree (i choose this) *wink*

half way of the lecture, there are 2 ladies(head of business school) walk into lecture hall. They gave us a talk about Edinburgh Napier Uni for Master program to persuade students doing Master in Scotland.

Ya. They do really work a lot and work hard for us and negotiate with a reasonable fees and let us to have a better choices for us but we all still have a thought that Master can do anytime and there is a finance issues exist la~~and a lot of other minor issues there.
so majority of the student will choose LJMU to get a basic degree. Yeah! *-^

 Advanced Diploma(wages around RM1300) the qualification is not recognize for majority of the company as Degree(RM2300)
  We have to do a summer semester in Liverpool Uni to get a Bachelor's Degree.
(MAICSA) ICSA- Ya is a professional external paper that we need to take, hmmm~~ i will take this paper after LJMU.
Nowadays, degree holders and Master holders are everywhere, so it is important to get a minimum qualification. 

After finished all my program i will get a Diploma, Advanced diploma, Bachelor's Degree, Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators(ICSA) professional certificate. 

Soon or later will doing Master too ^^ i like to study!
Enjoy my campus and studying life. i love so much!

After the 2 ladies had been finished their talks, 
Ms Chin do gave us a very useful information and
Ya the choice is on our but we also need someone to lead us to a correct way
we cant just blindly follow 

Suddenly i have a strong feeling that dulcet life is welcoming me ~~^^

so exited!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

kinda boring

This is Japanese mix with Italy food...

For me,this pasta is damn good and delicious!
the beef is hmmm~~~~ so yummy and the sesame source is so so so so so nice~~~~

 Seafood  pizza....

i does not like much.
ok ok only~~

The restaurant is located in One U. if not mistake should be ground floor~^^

 Haagen-Dazs  ice cream
red color is taste like medicine~hmm the taste is not that fit me. 
but others taste is nice but a little bit does not like sweet stuff much...:)
can eat but not much

One of my friend was sharing her story with me .
ya...all about the friendship between GIRLS

ok again i sharing my point of view and my feeling here.

This is a boring story don't read the following boring story that sharing with my blog. =.=


ya. some of reason are cause by does not like their attitude and behavior or maybe not in the same thought
some of them are cause by enviousness such as comparing in term of everything *who are more better* ^^(life,wealth,BF/GF,pretty,wisdom,car,happiness,children,house,body,study,fashion...etc)
some of the reason are cause by male/ female ??? hmm~~???
and many more

ya..majority will happen on GIRLS' life
ya.. jealousy ...born to be like that
ya..they will prefer to use "fake" this word to describe them

take care of each other
take consideration of each other
understanding of each other
respect of each other

accept the bad thing and nice stuff/attitude together , this is one of the most important element should have because everyone wont get 100% perfect so there must be exist of devil and angel

so if u like the way they are then just accept it , if don't like just leave that all
no point to hurt others $: )

The others friend of mine told me a story which is related to this topic
hmmm~~ unbelievable
peoples really cant just judge by appearance
this can happen to anyone of them.
this make me felt that in this world is so Grey~
so darkness~

wonder why always happen this to girls

there is always a way to solve it^^

choose not to close with rather than close with

 just can use IGNORE to cheer up the life
able to meet each other on such a huge amount of peoples
is there a fate exist?
 appreciate the relationship
then we can wait for changes

ya...i always talk about this topic i also felt that i so childish and stupid la
kinda boring right?
see! warning you just now already. ^^


i had read a blog whose is very very very pretty and 100% perfect from appearance. she was soooooooooooo pretty. oh my god! she is really beautiful and gorgeous. 

i wonder why such a 102% beautiful and hot women will 'adore' or (more straight forward abit)^^ envy how others hot and sexy they are then start to staring at them and start to have the "topic" about others.

hmmm~~ this is prove that women is never satisfied with their need and appearance even they are 101% beauty and women is born to be like to talk someone else : )

cant deny about it.
 sometimes i also will keep staring and adore those who are extraordinary and pretty women... xixi : )

Monday, November 16, 2009




高兴得太狂热时 会来泼泼 你冷水








偶尔也会有不爽对方的时候 *但不会说对方的不对*







大家要的都是一颗    “真心”

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Not in a good mood today

fall sick for few day +
maybe cause of the stomach cramp
felt much uncomfortable today

oh my god! so emotional

December is coming soon.....

just blink an eye is already end of the year

oh my god! i got so many plan!

oh my god! i need to save a lot of a lot of money! * UK*

oh my god! i have to stop spending unnecessary anymore

i think too much already

stop thinking please~~~

stop thinking nonsense please~~~

just ignore and don't bother

thing is the same

relationship also the same

working is the same

life also the same

mouth is the same

feel also the same

people is the same

world also the same


i also don't know what i am talking about


 so long never hang out with my friends already~

hey....where you all go ?

why din't come and find me jor?

maybe we all also keep busy with our life

haiz~~~ stay in different location is quite hard to hang out always la

miss u all already~

i think almost a year never hang out with my friends already


so far so bad

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Mayan 2012 prophecy


wow! the world will disappear in 3 years times? Is not it a little too early?

Mayan calendar end on Dec 21, 2012. what does that mean?

Scientist said May 20 and Nov 11, 2012 will occur solar eclipse twice for 3 to 5 minute.
  some of the Master mention it will happen solar eclipse for 3 to 5 days. Scientist is unable to explain those
phenomena so it may appear a long solar eclipse. .Statement is stated from a Master from Taiwan that thing like phone, car, computer, electronic device will malfunction . Hence, don't panic and just stay at home sleep and don't go out. He said is not a doomsday on 12 Dec 2012.

US scientist issues a special report that 22 Sept 2012 will have a sun storm, its mean surface of the sun will release something mass solar or whatever scientific name that will cause melting of copper wire then electricity will out of control.

Recently the world had happened a lot of natural disaster such as flood, earthquake, tsunami, volcanoes and many more.
Is that a prophecy to our earth? to peoples who not bothered about the environment preservation?
Is it triggered widespread alarm 

NASA satellite data showed that oceanic ice in Arctic Circle this summer is only half of its coverage 4 years back.
They said as this speed, Arctic Ocean will be totally depleted of ice at the end of 2012 summer.

It is everything is true?
It is everything is keeping it from us?
It is the other meaning from Mayan calendar?

2012 Hollywood come out with a movie. This movie has an explanation with some history.
The Earth has a lifespan of 5 solar eras. and we are now in the fifth solar era!

should be a nice movie ^^

Thursday, November 5, 2009


as usual

off to class
 but before i go to attend CA lecture i was locked out from my room and my key was inside my room

oh my god! that time my mind just blank and i try to knock all the other rooms to check whether is anyone at home and able to open the door for me to go out.
unfortunately there is no one at home. So i just locked in my house.
My roommate went back to hometown already and my owner just admit to hospital for giving birth.

 that time i really don't know what should i do,
so i jz try a lot of way to unlock my door until i use a card to open the door...
hehe...In the end, I just unlock the door easy like a piece of cake

After finish my class and pass by the Rojak stall which near my place and bought my Yummy Yummy Rojak and Tau fu Fa

i try to persuade myself don't eat so much of Rojak but i still cant control myself not to buy it. ^^


After finish my drama while having my favourite Rojak then i go and tidy up my stuffs.
It so draggly and it really affect my mood. so decide to tidy up and throw some expired products and those don't want to use it anymore.

Tommorrow I will have a small test but i have no mood to revise and study on it.
I just keep doing other thing and try to avoid it.

hmm.. have to do now
good night : )

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Candidness VS Sincerity

Suddenly i have an idea to talk about sincerity here: )

This is in my opinion, there is no wrong or right^^
NO offense : )


is the virtue of one who speaks truly about their own feelings, thoughts, and desires.

sometimes peoples is so confusing with the sincerity or candor

sometimes is not all the peoples are in common in term of their thinking or something they not likely to share the story with them, perhaps with some reasons.

There will have some peoples who always share about their feeling, or story to other

There will have some peoples who wont share their thoughts or story to other

There will also have some peoples just sharing some part of the story


There is a reason!

There will have some peoples who thought after sharing their feelings, desires or stories will making a trouble for ourselves or maybe will creating a gossip for some peoples to chew the fat?

There is possible when A will have a thinking that whether B will thought A are showing off now or felt annoying with A's complaining  after share the story with B? or A just candor to share the happiness or sadness with B?

Somehow, some peoples will think more to bad than good.

Ya, sometimes peoples is hard to predict what they are thinking about.
That why it is important for those peoples who have same perception then it wont make the misunderstand of the statement or between each other.

Some other story, human is sometimes hard to have sincerity to each other

In many circumstances, they will try to act nothing, try to avoid the trouble and some even peoples are pretend to have sincere with you. It's true *In my age, as a female, mostly happen on those girls who had a serious heartburn for those who are better than them or they think of others will have something are threaten on them such as they can even compare in term of prettier,rich,bf,gf,family,study,qualification,friends,fame, and so on* 
many right? Ya, i just speak out some major issues only. 

In the working world is much more dangerous and from what i think it is wont have this word " sincere" happen on the working life. Working peoples may have try to climb up from bottom to top so they will use a lot of effort to success    * just my point of view* ^^ * maybe i have a childish mind or maybe dummy thinking just ignore me*
It is because we are living in a cruel world that chasing for status, female, male, wealthy, position, fame, and many many more.


It is not prove to have sincerity if just only wise up the entire story such as sharing their working experience or life, private life, social life, thoughts, and etc to others.


It is hard to know whether this person is sincere to you or not sometimes.
when you like that person you will felt that he or she is right.
It's true

Ya, for me...i just get use to it : )

end up, it cause me have this way of thinking

i trying so hard not to make myself to think of this way but.....

it is really just happened in front of me: ) so...

just try to ignore it or fix it or think the other way round. ^^

 try to protect yourself when the misunderstand comes or try to ignores it?

This is all on your way to manage it. ^^
so much to talk about and discuss here....
i can't just finish in a single moment.

The End

no angry no offense and please do not hesitate to comment on what a childish stupid dummy mind that i have

/: ) 

Remember! there is always have SOME different thoughts, feelings and a lot more of things in human being,It is not in common in everything because we are create in a special person who does have or does not have.

That why there is no same attitude, behavior, thought, idea, concepts and so on. ^^

That why there is a special look that we can differentiated.^^

That why there is always a beauty will exist in EVERYONE of us, but not only HE or SHE only. ^^

That why it is can't to make a comparison on such a special person we have. Everyone of them also have a special personality, fineness and  flaw  ^^

Sunday, November 1, 2009


 Yuki and i went to warehouse sales yesterday.
 We bought few item in the warehouse sales

I really sorry to Clarice, i FFK her. I really felt sorry to her.
No worry Clarice, I will treat u more nicer and better one.
I wont have treat you obligingly...
I wont have treat you shabbily...

So Clarice no worry ok! wuahahahahaa

Muack Muack! give Clarice a kiss 1st.

Last minute, my friend ask me go to warehouse sales.It's really last minute because when we reached there almost 6pm already. The warehouse sales end on 7pm but haven reached 7pm they aready keep and wrap the boxes of the item, so effective and efficient when going to finish work. HaHa.... peoples
Hence, we just grap some item on last minute.

We pass our Halloween day for shopping and movie.

Halloween night?
i just stay at home be guai guai lui^^


This is out shopping item la!!

KIEHL'S  Lip gloss

don't know nice or not. just try^^
after try just let you all know about the product ya ^^

 Perfume hmmm ...smell good and nice...
i like this smell, no sweet, not too strong

 Cleansing oil

what i had bought yesterday la~~
so long i didn't go to shopping already

My shopping list is bag, cleanser and shoes.
end up didn't buy anything from my shopping list.

We  (Yuki and me) went for a movie in Pavilion.


This is the movie i want to watch.
i was thought the Ninja Assassin in the cinema already.

When we step in the cinema and sit down be ready to enjoy our show.
We saw the screen is showing the Ninja Assassin's trailer.

Then i ask Yuki
May : hey, we watch this movie right now but why the cinema still showing us the trailer geh?
Yuki: ya lo, why huh? never like that before de le?

then i was thinking this is the other movie already but also called Ninja.

then we laughing in the cinema.

End up we watched this movie

Scott Adkins

 handsome right?

wow! his muscle~~~

This movie is not bad.
This movie give me a perception that guns also cant win a martial art... keke

 some picture when we have dinner in Ohh Cha in heritage row. if not mistake xixix^^

fried rice is nice and delicious with the Tom yam soup!
but their food is a little bit expensive. : )