Saturday, May 8, 2010


Do you all know what is counterfeit love?So called fake love
Fairy tales

All of above are the signs of fake love
All about the chemistry between each other whether wear off or fading

Sometime you look at other,
it's seem have a very happiness and sweet life and nice lover
but you wouldn't know how and what is the other side going on in real.
Apparently there is something else arise.

There always a reason for a person to do something

ok, back to my real world
Abit hmm seh tak my friends when I work for this event
sob sob
Tomorrow is my last day that I work for Kenny 
so hmm seh tak my partner and others

And I going to pack my luggage and some stuffs already
and I will moving to new house soon
so many things need to do

I fall sick today
I felt my head going to explode 
The vein in brain make me gone crazy
Oh my god!
I can felt the heat is around my body
I don't know what wrong with me 
So sudden that I get sick
Maybe cause of the weather
I should take care of myself

ok night
XO ^_^