Saturday, August 22, 2009


This Thursday i went to silver cut trim my hair.
wow i so love the hair stylist trim and set my hair.
look so good. hmm
so happy after let him trim my hair.
my mood felt good after got a new hair style even it just a temporary.

ya i know this picture i blurr but.....i like it~~ hehe


after class i pass by the Rojak stall near my place so i jz stop by and bought some Rojak to eat.

hmm!! so yummy! so long i never to have my favorite food d ..i cant eat much! sad!
i like to eat rojak so much.


i like this stall of Rojak!
a middle aga uncle selling this rojak.
his Rojak damn damn damn nice + good!

see so many fresh fruit and the stall is very hygiene !A++

we went to Genting Yum cha.....abit sad because raining~~but still felt nice and good. not cold at all...even after raining....don't know why? is it my fat oil protect me from cold???

i like to drink Fu Zuk Yi Mai" Barli with fu Zuk" ^^

Before we went to Genting we stop in the half way and have a dinner at Gotong Jaya( i know the spelling is wrong d) hehe~
then i order a bowl of hot FU Zuk Yi Mai ...hmm so warm

hmmm here we reach the
Genting already.....
we start our photo shooting d....hahaha
Yuki and Cashlyn wow! they very like to take picture.
Beh tahan !

super duper women ya~~
dont play play!

apply lip balm on my damn dry and cracker lip! it cause of i consume those medicine to cure my acne. my lip was so dried until make my lip felt pain.

3 leng lui here~~~ wakakakaka

"mou liu"

we just climb into the carrousel and took picture... wakaka~~~
at first i a little bit scared but after climb into carrousel then i very happy d but... so waste it cant move.
i never play carrousel b4....hmmm sob! sob!
this is my first time to climb into carrousel and take pic only....


look like???????

6 am++ just reached my!!! so tired. so nice to Yum cha in Genting.
we chat a lot. haha....we 3 girl really crazy and funny~~



  1. i know tat rojak stall!!!
    i SUPERB LOVE IT when i still stayed at TBR..
    buy rojak from him everytime...
    argghhhh...miss it so much!!!!

  2. hahahahaha...yaya come come come i treat u eat~~~ he selling in my place now~~ hehehe

  3. Hey, when do you go therE?
    I went there to on Saturday night.

  4. lol~~~ oo me is Thursday lo~~ i don't know how to gamble la~~ $$ to play also haha

  5. Oic..haha..I also dono 1..then my friend teach me..hehe
