Friday, May 22, 2009

woe is me

in the twinkling of an eye, I am going to reached 21 years old already ^!^. i don't know what will going to happen on my 21 years old. Is there any improvement on me (physically or mentally)??? Will i still the same? change to become more badly or vice versa? I wish myself after a storm comes a calm. ^^ I just wish to get a merriness life in the future. I won't look for my past but look for my future. Live in hopes of better times to come.

Different peoples in a different family and environment with the surrounding of friends will create a different person there.
Sometimes I really think of to become a very bad person( but not to kill or rape peoples la~) and try to set free on everything. Try to do whatever I like and don't even care or mind about what others look at me and think on me. F! why peoples always like that? I had seen a lot of peoples doing something bad and those F-ing thing to hurt someone else. But sometimes the thing happen is out of control and out of our mind. It's need to live in this world.Sigh~~

I starting to feel a little stress on my study already. hmm~~just check my timetable today. Oh my god! i got 3 hours lecture there, I sure i will tired like hell! I hate financial and taxation. This semester need to study Moral and Etika in bahasa Malaysia if not mistaken. I need to study smart + hard to get my best result! YES! YES! YES! GAMPATEH TEOH SOO MEI des!!!!

12:30am - 21st may 09

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